Graphic Designer

Xerox DocCentre at CMHC

This position was a contract with Acara Solutions for Xerox DocCentre Canada to work on Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) materials.

NOTE: CMHC owns all of the designs I have created, and I’m unable to display all of them publicly. Please email me to request more samples.

Some images may be available to view larger or as a PDF by clicking on them.

Homebuying Step by Step covers

I designed CMHC Homebuying Step By Step covers for the Guide and Workbook in both official languages. Both covers were printed and available as accessible PDFs.

Business Planning Infographic

I designed an infographic in both official languages to display business planning within CMHC.

Aboriginal Awareness Week

Designed the internal campaign for Aboriginal Awareness Week 2017 in both official languages. The campaign included a bilingual poster, 4 ‘Daily Roundup’ email information pieces, and the email header for all communication relating to Aboriginal Awareness Week.


I designed this poster to promote Aboriginal Awareness Week 2017 and the film being shown, which was ‘The Secret Path‘ by Gord Downie.

Daily Roundup

I was tasked with designing information pieces in English and French that highlight four traditional Aboriginal housing throughout Canada. The spotlight info sheets were accompanied by a web banner which was used as a header in the email.

The Daily Roundup is CMHC’s daily internal email for regional or national news and updates.
Aboriginal Awareness Week Daily Roundup

Web Ads

Designed web ads for CMHC Green Home and Rental Construction Financing in both official languages.

CRP Progress Coverage Board

I pitched and designed an internal visual tracking system to track and display achievements. I used the Monopoly game board as a theme and incorporated CMHC branding. The ‘houses’ and ‘multi-unit buildings’ are being used as a measurement of their achievements. The client can easily and regularly update the tracking system in PowerPoint.

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